Sunday, December 30, 2012


I've been reading so much that everything else I see is blurry. Though it is kind of nice and interesting to not be able to see, it's a little disconcerting. I have a romantic view of everything - nothing is in focus. Makes me think of that song "All Day Through The Rain" by Bora Yoon. She says: "Sometimes I like to leave my glasses at home and roam in a warm blur all day through the rain". I didn't stock up well enough to hermit in this weekend. I have to get out and buy more bread and smokes. I dread it: there's snow everywhere and I have to scrape my windshield. Maybe I'll just walk... I've found a lot of mistakes in the TDMM (the study book). They refer to a type of fiber connectors (LC) as Load Coil type connectors, when actually they are Latch Connectors. So will I fail if I correct them on the exam? It's too funny to me. I have my own words to help me remember the connector types: ST= Stab and Twist; SC= Square Click; and LC= Little Click. Works for me. They definitely love their acronyms. We could speak a whole other language based on acronyms. Frankly, I think acronyms are lazy. Like text messaging - I refuse to abbreviate in a text message. Like the ENTs say: "Anything worth saying is worth taking a long time to say it". Okay - I had to throw a Hobbit reference in there somewhere. You'd expect nothing less from me... Have a great New Year. Peace, Love, and Understanding. MsAmber

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