Saturday, May 31, 2014

Listening to the frogs

I was sitting outside listening to the cacophony of frogs. One group sounded a lot like bleating lambs. It was a nice respite from the noise inside my head. I've been thinking a lot lately. Mistakes I've made; and continue to make. Where am I going? What's next for me? It feels like the world is holding it's breath. I'm in limbo - no clear vision, no defined goals. I can't even decide or envision how I want to live: Do I want a tiny house on a pretty shady lot with a fenced-in yard? Do I want another RV so that I can always be mobile? Do I want to avoid putting down roots or do I want to stay here and face my demons? I never have been good at staying in one place, and I don't want a "person" to be my reason to. This is about me. I do fantasize about settling down, making friends, establishing myself, but I kinda feel lost at DOING it. I'm good for a while, but then I feel alien and "different" from everyone else. I guess I've always looked for a place that is either: completely accepting of differences, or a place where the people are weird like me. I'm just going to trudge along and maybe things will get easier. Like I say: You know how to eat a 72 ounce steak? One bite at a time. LOL. Peace, MsAmber