Monday, January 24, 2011

Wisconsin fun.

Man, is it freakin' cold up here.

Megabyte and I went looking for a place to walk. All he's seen is parking lots and snowdrifts. So we went searching for a park or something. I pulled up into a park and there was a sign admonishing that dog poop spreads diseases and there is a huge fine for walking dogs without a leash. We decided to skip that place. Just seemed a little unfriendly. I drove on until I saw a turnoff for a wildlife refuge - that sounded good. I parked and Megabyte and I started to walk across a field. My leg sunk in the snow all the way up to my thighs. Megabyte sunk in above his chest. We decided that parking lots and snowdrifts are just fine. He was just as happy to get back into the truck as I was.

We started the site survey today. Seemed like everyone was a little pissy today. Except me, of course. I dunno. Maybe the guys all drank a bit too much over the weekend? I think they should all just go home. I can do this survey all by myself and be just fine - and probably more thorough.
I thought they were going to bite each other's heads off.
One guy thinks we're doing too much.
One guy thinks they're not doing enough.
One guy doesn't care either way.

I'm just having fun. I think we have enough time and access to do it all, but I'm always a little too gung-ho about everything. I would rather get chewed on for doing too much than get accused of being lazy.

Anyway. I have paperwork to do.
Have a great night.

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