Monday, August 16, 2010

Drama at work.

Thursday after work, I held a meeting with the guys. I told them that I admired them both and thought well of them, but if they really don't like to work with me and follow the rules, then they need to report back to the office to be re-dispatched. They were late every day last week and left early every day. I lost about 20 hours of productivity between the both of them (2.5 hours X 4 days X 2 guys). "T" responded that the only reason he works so hard is so that he can get off early every day, and he would rather be doing roofs next week than put in his 40 hours here. I told him that was unacceptable. Take your tools and go home and think about it, if you decide you want to fly right and do the job, then come back on Monday. If not, I already have replacement technicians lined up.

Verdict is still out whether or not they're coming back to work.

Frankly, I hope they don't. "T" has proven to me that he can't be straight up and honest. He vents and complains behind my back about stuff that I know nothing of.
I can't fix what I don't know. Nothing worse than trying to guess whether or not somebody is going to flake out on you and quit. He's a pretty good kid, but definitely a weasel. Just hasn't been working at a real job very long. He hates being told what to do. The harder he's pushed, the more he rebels.
Sound familiar? ha ha ha.

I asked "R" to stay out of it, if the boys make a decision they need to decide by themselves. Don't give them an inflated sense of self-worth by telling them they are needed. I need the problem to be solved, not to continue as if I hadn't drawn a line in the sand. He likes to play both sides and I'm worried that he will coerce the boys by telling them that he will play interference with me if they will come back. That's not a solution. "R" told me today that he spoke with them this weekend and he seems to think they will be back.

I'm betting if they come back, that will be the reason why, and not because they decided to fly right. Or possibly because they still have one more week of perdiem left and don't want to sacrifice a paycheck to pay it back.

I'm going to request that they only receive perdiem one week at a time from here on out. "T" is too flaky to trust right now. (If they show up today - that's still an "if".)

Damn the politics.

Well, I gotta shower and go to work.
You have a great day.


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