Sunday, March 15, 2009

What a week.

It's rainy and cold here. Man, I thought spring had sprung and I was getting used to the warmth.
I've learned that guppies are cannibalistic. I had bought a yellow one, orange one, yellow with spots, and orange with spots. They all ganged up on the yellow with spots and I kept seeing his tail fins getting shorter and shorter. Finally they chewed away his entire tail fin and he laid on the bottom, unable to swim, for a whole day until he died. I scooped him out and threw him unceremoniously away. Damn Cannibals! The little pigs are getting plenty to eat: shoot, I feed them twice a day. I'm so distraught now, I don't know how I'm ever going to look at them the same way again.
Damn cannibals!


I got an invite to be Jas Rutherford Miller's friend on facebook a long time ago and since I didn't recognize him or have a facebook account at the time, I just deleted it. Then the other day I got an invite from my niece to facebook, so I signed up. There was a pending invite from Jas Rutherford Miller, so I accepted. I read his profile - he's a musician in California and he has over 800 "friends". I browsed through and saw a lot of cool names like Will Smith; Arlo Guthrie; Liv Tyler; Bruce Willis; etc. I thanked him for the invite and he responded with a thanks for helping him with his cable.
I've been racking my brain trying to remember if I ever met this person. He has friends in Oklahoma, as do I. Where do I know this person from? When did I help him with his cable? Strange. I do have a tendency to purge things from my brain, so it's not a complete surprise to me that I might have completely forgotten someone, but he doesn't look familiar at all to me.
Oh well.

A Bluejay just stopped on a branch outside my window and gave me a full appraisal. He cocked his head and looked me up and down for a few minutes before flying away. Or maybe he just saw his own reflection... looked like curiosity to me.

Yesterday Leon called me and asked if I had a tow rope. I said yes, so he told me that the new kid, Travis, had slid into a ditch and would I go pull him out. I drove up Ambassador Caffery to I-10 and got lined up to pull him out and a police officer pulled up and told us he couldn't let me tow him out. It is the interstate. I tried to argue a little, that this was the entrance ramp, not really the interstate, but the officer insisted. So we waited for an hour in the rain. The tow truck finally showed and the charge for pulling Travis out was $140.00. If Travis didn't come up with the money before it was done, the driver was going to take the car. Yeah, that's the purest definition of highway robbery I've ever seen. Travis called his brother and got the money, but the tow truck driver totally screwed up his exhaust. Plowed the tailpipe into the dirt by about 4 feet and bent it completely under the car. So, Travis has to pay for a new exhaust also. In retrospect: I'm glad I didn't attempt the tow myself because I wouldn't want to be responsible for the exhaust pipe plowing into the dirt like it did. But come on, $140 to pull someone out of a ditch?

I was cold and soaked to the bones when I got home, so I took a hot 3-minute shower (which is how much hot water I have) and made a cup of hot cocoa and snuggled up on the couch with a plush blanket. I tried to watch a DVD but started yawning about halfway through and went to sleep. It's cold in here now, but I don't want to waste the propane. I have my little electric heater on low to bust the chill out. I can't turn it up too high or I'll pop the breaker. I'm running off a 20 amp breaker on the same circuit as a deep freezer. Even my hairdryer pops the breaker if the deep freeze decides to kick on.

Well, I've got dishes to do and a floor to sweep.
You have a great day.

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