Sunday, March 01, 2009

I got to play small-engine mechanic again.

I had fun yesterday. I took apart a lawnmower and got the engine un-seized, fuel cleaned out, oil changed, everything greased. Then I discovered that the needle valve was clogged. Of course I damaged the valve seat in the process, but I got the mower running. I need to get a carb-rebuild kit, or just a needle valve and seat. I bought a new fuel hose for it. I would like to scrape off the rust and hit it with some rustoleum also. I went around looking for a valve seat and couldn't find one anywhere. The one small-engine repair shop closed at noon. I'll catch them this week and see if I can't get one.
The mower sat outside for a few years. Yeah. Rust city. Smelly water in the tank and the oil was as thick as tar... Gross.
I had fun though. I just love a puzzle.

The dogs are doing wonderfully in their new home. I moved across town to a nice housing district. Inside a fenced-in yard. The boys don't have to be tied up any more. They were getting used to it, but now they are thrilled with their freedom. Spot doesn't carry-on like he used to. I've pretty much put the kibosh on his barking.

Yesterday got real windy, and the temperature dropped to cold last night. There is a little frost on my northern windows this morning. Glad I refilled my propane tank on Friday. The other tank went empty on Saturday morning. Talk about timing...

My new friend/landlady and I have a lot in common. We won't really get a chance to bond until probably next weekend or so. But we both have a creative spirit, we are both in survival mode, and we like naturalistic and aesthetic things. We've got some gardening to do... woo hoo.

There is a tree full of ripe kumquats outside my window right now. I'm going to look up some good things to do with them. Waste not... want not.

You have a great day.

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