Friday, February 20, 2009

Yaaay. It's Friday.

I did four jobs yesterday. I wasn't fast. The first job was running a two pole span, then afterwards a big big house with phone. The big house with phone is the one that gave me the most challenge. The thing that concerns me is that we aren't doing backfeeding with alarms correctly.
The alarm jack is designed to bring in dialtone on the r/g pair and then send it through the circuit board and feed it back out to the bk/y pair to feed the rest of the house. We put a modem in a bedroom and feed dialtone onto the pair which is out of the alarm. So essentially we are sending dialtone after the alarm instead of before it. It seems to work, and the alarm test comes back fine, but I know in my addled little brain that it isn't correct. I wonder how it will affect the alarm in the future? What side effects will it have? I'm speaking of houses that are wired 'daisy-chained'.
I think I will have a dialog with an alarm technician about this.
Maybe I will apply to an alarm company for a job to work for a while when I'm done playing with cable tv. The problem is: I can't prove that it will affect the alarm negatively, and the technicians I work with can't grasp what I'm trying to explain, and in their opinion it works, so why am I "overthinking" it?
I must research this a little more. I can't even go to my boss over this, he wouldn't listen, and there really isn't anything he would do about it anyway. I would simply be frustrating him (as I seem to have a knack for).
When I go to the alarm company, I won't tell them who I am, I will simply ask for an engineer and then a white board to draw on. I will explain the situation and ask for his opinion.
Yeah, maybe I will stay out of trouble?
Then again, maybe I will stir up a hornets' nest. That could be fun too, and there's no shelter for the fallout.
Have a great day.

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