Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Frozen Wasteland

OK. The rain never did turn to snow. Instead we had freezing rain all day. I had some waiting time at the shop, so I decided to get out my Carharts and go help the outside plant guys. I found my Carharts and they were wet, so I laid them out to dry in the office and bundled up. I had two shirts, my hoodie pulled up over my head, a thick coat over that, and two pair of gloves. I could only take the windy cold for a little over an hour. My feet and legs were froze, my fingers were cold even through the gloves, and we all had drippy noses. Man, it was cold, and you know I'm no wussy.
I woke up this morning and my door was frozen shut. My lungs hurt, I think I've got some chest congestion starting too. Oh boy!
Today, I shall wear my longjohns and every item of clothing I can layer and still move. I may be waddling like a penguin, but at least I'll be warm.
I put the adapter on the extension cord for the milk-house heater underneath the trailer, but the bathroom water froze up anyway. Today will be a hat day for sure.
I don't mean to sound negative or pessimistic, but this is a lot of aggravation for one job. Honestly, this jobsite is management-heavy, ill-conceived, and contrary to what I was told: they really don't need me. I was ordered here as though they were understaffed and I needed to get here as quickly as I could. I find that they aren't understaffed, but overstaffed with fluffers.
Do you know what a fluffer is? In the porn industry, they are the persons responsible for making the male actors ready for their scenes. Get it?
No, I don't care to slam my company or co-workers on my personal blog, so I won't. But a job like this could make me look for other, more interesting work.
I'll just stick this one out and hope it gets better, (or die trying).
Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I now have a new word in my vocabulary, fluffer. Good one..!