Monday, January 23, 2006

I came home from work this evening, and Brinka was in the backyard, Megabyte was inside the house. I opened the back door, the sun is going down and it's about 64 degrees out, so I thought: "I can leave it for a moment, I will be right back.", and ran to the restroom. I did my toiletries, and brushed my hair, then I went across the hallway into my bedroom, and changed my clothes into my flannel night pants and a t-shirt. When I emerged, I hadn't been gone 5 minutes total, the house was trashed.
Apparently, SOME dog has dug a large hole next to the kennel door, and dumped the water tub into it, for a perfectly WONDERFUL mud puddle.
You must know that it has been so dry outside of late, that we have burn bans in effect, and everyone's yards have turned into dust. They don't call this the dust bowl for nothin'.
My dogs are soooo smart, that they figured out how to make a mud puddle. Who needs opposable thumbs for that?

Their intelligence has a downside however. I now must HOSE them both down like the criminals they are, then make them lay in one place without MOVING! until I get the kitchen floor mopped and the carpet shampoo'd. This could take upward of 30 minutes, whereas they must lay there with their ears bent back and guilty wet doggy looks on their faces.
Yep, then, and only then, will I feel satisfied and vindicated. They better be extra pathetic looking this evening.

Do you see the mud in the indoor water bucket? That means; they ran out of wet muddy paws so they dipped them in the inside bucket to make more tracks. This was completely premeditated. Don't think I'm giving them too much credit. These are the same dogs that have to sit when they come in from the rain and get wiped down. The same dogs that watch me mop, and vaccuum, and clean every day.

They better be extra pathetic while I clean this mess up. I'm tellin' ya. They are this close to me tying a broom to one of their tails and a mop to the other one's, so they can help me sweep and mop while they wag.

I already have the cats dusting.



Nicole said...


Could you stop by here and teach my cats to do the same?? They'd finally earn their keep!

Flubberwinkle said...

Clever four-legged critters, those doggies! I'm sorry for your extra house work on a Monday nonetheless, but hey, they made their own mud puddle! Nature's ingenuity at its best!

Bob Hoeppner said...

And that's what I don't like about dogs: what they'll roll in. The worst is when they roll in a carcass...

My daughter's German Shepherd/Lab mix hates to go out in the rain or snow, but will roll in the filthiest puddle. I just don't get it!