Monday, December 03, 2012

Elevated frustration level Orange

What I want to say: "I am going above and beyond the call of duty in working for you. I have been working without the support I should have - which you signed this document stating that you would provide. You continuously ask for more, then act like you have every right to expect it from me, turning the situation around to always make it seem like I haven't been doing my job correctly. I am making compromises that get me in trouble with my own bosses because you don't know the restrictions that THEY place on me. You want what you want no matter how unreasonable, and no-body in your organization will stand up for me against you, so I'm stuck between seeming uncooperative with you or displeasing my bosses. What you need to understand is this: I don't mind taking responsibility, I don't mind going above and beyond, I don't mind working WITH you to really make this project a success, and I have no problem taking a certain amount of heat from my bosses for giving a bit more than is required. In fact, all my projects have been very successful. I just want you to consider that I have many more responsibilities that you don't see: I have decisions to make that require not only knowledge of my trade, but knowledge of contractual obligations and restrictions. I am responsible for the overall project and the daily needs of 11 people. I am 100% dedicated to the successful completion of this project. However: If you believe that I am not qualified to manage this project, then I urge you to report this to my superiors and allow them to move me to another and replace me on this one. But I assure you that anyone else would not do as much or be as accommodating as I have been, or provide you this quality of work." Instead, I say: "Yes Sir, I'll see what I can do."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Extremely frustrating for certain.
I know this is not exactly on topic and probably won't ease the frustration but check out this e-book. Pretty humorous none-the-less.

Your Beau