Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Two More Weeks! Yayyyy!

Had a final meeting yesterday. My boss, the COTR, the heads of the Billings OPC, and myself had our MOU meeting yesterday. Everything is good. I have to babysit the system until the 15th of October, then hand the baton to the onsite tech and I'm outta here.
Isn't that awesome?
The honchos are all getting on their planes this morning and leaving with a warm fuzzy that it's all handled.

This morning, I woke up with my right eye swollen shut and a bit of an allergic reaction. They just changed my sheets yesterday, and they might not have rinsed all the soap out. I usually react to laundry soap, so I think that's the problem.
Funny. The timing is perfect.

Well, I gotta go.
Have a great day.

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