Saturday, September 19, 2009

Saturday in Billings...

I went in to work this morning. I hanged (hung?) both alarm panels and discovered that the manufacturer did not include power cords. Lovely.
So I set out phones. I actually set out more than half the entire clinic. So it was a pretty productive day.
The switch tech got his remote access device working, and ran a few of his cables - dressed them in perfectly. I couldn't be happier with the quality of his work. I made some changes to his database as I was setting phones, so he's going to work on the programming from his motel room tonight and tomorrow.
Everything is progressing just fine.
I still need his alarm contacts so I can put them in the panel. I have the alarm cable from the rectifier bay, and I have the link cable to the remote ran already. Just need power cords and the alarm system will be functional. Easy cheesy.

I went shopping today. Yeah, I know. Booo.
I bought a dress on sale at Dillards: 70% off. Bought two new brassieres at Victoria's Secret (not on sale). Then I went to Pier One and bought a lap tray for working on my laptop in bed, and a smelly thing to make the motel room smell good. Oh yeah, and a new coffee cup with lid. I'm drinking Chai tea in it now. The microwave soup cup that I had bought to drink coffee in just isn't working out. It's too big. I will use it for soup, and my new coffee cup for coffee. So kill me already.
Yeah, I know. I'm saving up for a truck. I'm sure two bras and a dress isn't going to break me. I need to put my blinders on until I buy that truck though.

I had a pretty good day. At least I wasn't bored, sitting in my motel room stirring up trouble on Craigslist.

You have a great evening.

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