Tuesday, September 01, 2009

I'm just a little bummed tonight

Sergeant St. Ann called me today. I've been blocked from joining the Army. Many years ago I had an episode of depression. My Dr administered a test, and prescribed Cymbalta. I took the anti-depressants for a year or so, then I just quit taking them. Partially out of embarrassment for having to take a daily medication, and partially because I couldn't afford them.
When the Army requisitioned my medical records - they flagged the Depression diagnosis as the reason for my rejection. I tried to argue it, but they won't budge.
So, I'm not going into the Army after all.
That's a shame, because I would have been really good at it.

Well, here I am in Billings Montana. I met my POC today and we did a walkthrough of the facility. I met the electrical contractor and I got him started on making me a bid for some electrical circuits and conduit that I need. I looked at the materials that have already been delivered. I have enough stuff to get me started. This will be a fairly easy job. It's only 300 phones, and the power plant is small also. I can handle it by myself.

I think I want to go to the bar down the street and drink a beer. Just one.
I'm feeling a little stir-crazy.

Have a great night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I’m proud of you even attempting it. General.
