Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I know it's been a while...

Yeah, it's been over a week since last I blogged.

Money is still real tight. I had to replace the starter in the truck yesterday, that pretty much ate up my gas money for the coming week. Getting the electricity turned on may just have to wait another couple of weeks. I'm racing to see which happens first: that my cellphone gets shut off or that I can make a payment on the trailer. If the money comes up for the trailer first, then I'll pay it and my cellphone (and internet) will get shut off for a little while. Ya'll just bear with me. More bills than money, but I'll get caught up eventually. I sure could use a winning lottery ticket right about now, but I understand you have to play to win and I can't even afford that.

Food or gas? The neverending dilemma.

Freakin' truck!

Have a great week.


1 comment:

Lisbeth said...

I fell over your blog today, and I am thoroughly enjoying you! :)