Saturday, December 13, 2008

The wind, it was outrageous.

Where did that line come from? "The wind, it was outrageous and the snow was howling."
Ah, yes. Bob Dylan. In "Isis" I believe...

It's not snowing, but the wind is sure blowing. The trailer is rocking with the gusts.
Doesn't bother me none, I'm cozy warm and comfy inside, but it makes Megabyte nervous.

I got all the chores on my list done except for: vacuuming out the truck, repacking the wheel bearings, and I'm adding dumping the blackwater. I think I could knock out two of them today. The wheel bearings will have to wait, again. I also need to stuff some silicone in the screw holes left by the visor on the cab of the truck.

Did I tell you about that? No, probably not. After Thanksgiving, I drove up to OKC. I was towing the RV into a 30 mph headwind. The visor over my windshield ripped out of the roof of the cab. I took it off to prevent any more damage, but it shredded the screw holes. I went to a body shop to inquire what they would do about it. They said they would weld it and grind it down smooth and repaint. The estimate is $619.00. Well, I can't pay that, but I think I will tap-tap-tap it down smooth, and fill it with silicone until the weather warms up, then clean it up and put JB Weld in the holes, let it set, then drill new holes and re-mount the visor. $619.00. Can you imagine? Wow. It's a good lookin' old truck, but I sure ain't paying that.

Well, I'm in a crafty mood today, so I think I'll drag out and open up the old craft-trunk and see what I can make.
Thanks for listening.

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