Friday, December 19, 2008

Friday in Missouri

I had a cutover last night, it went well. It started raining while I was on base. When I got home, the lightning and thunder began and there was a real rain downpour. I love to sleep with the sounds of a thunderstorm.
At 2:00 am the water thawed. I woke up to hear all the faucets running, so I got up and turned them down to a drip.
This morning there is not a bit of white on the ground. The rain was warm enough to thaw every bit of snow.
I just experienced a very strong, direct, and sustained wind against the trailer. Usually that means another weather front. I heard this one is supposed to bring freezing temperatures back this morning. I'd better do the dishes and batten down the hatches before going to work. Who knows how long this thaw will last? But I'm glad for it. I can get the dishes done and take a real shower this morning.
Gotta go, lots to do.
Thanks for listening.

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