Sunday, October 09, 2011

I get to leave here soon!!!

That's the good news.
The bad news is: I get to jump straight out of the frying pan and into the fire.
I'm starting another project (just like this one) in Volk Field Wisconsin.
(Yeah, same latitude - can I get off the 45? Please?)

Actually, I'm pretty excited. I'm always psyched up for a new project. I'm not really distressed by the prospect of snow and cold and such, as I am wont to complain about. It just amuses me, really.

I've worked very hard here, and I'm ready to hand the baton to another and move on to the next job.
I've been searching for apartments - furnished, unfurnished, room-shares, etc; in Wisconsin, and I have to say the prospects aren't very good. I'm going to park the RV in a safe, southerly place, and move myself and my portable goods into an apartment up there for 6 months.

Hey, wish me luck.
See Ya!

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