Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Guitar practice.

My guitar teacher is Johnny Garrett. Seems like a really cool guy. He certainly acts like he wants to be the best guitar teacher. He's got me practicing 5 different finger positions. And strumming.
My left hand is seriously cramping up. When I have to spread my fingers, they kinda lock up on me. I don't have a problem with A, D, or E (well, I kinda do). But C and G are kicking my butt.
So, I'm taking a break and eating a liver and muenster sandwich with potato chips and a green apple Smirnoff Twister.
I set my amp next to my chair, and I can reach the controls easily. I have the perfect little cubby behind my chair to stash the guitar.
I've got strong but stubby hands. Short fingers. I have to tilt the guitar face away from me to reach all the strings. So now, I just need to stop watching my fingers.
Okay. Sandwich done. Time to try those chords again.
Wish me luck.


FLAMINGO1 said...

Will any of those finger positions assist you in your fluffer duties?

Fightin' Mad Mary said...

Congrats on the new hobby, but I am having a hard time getting past your sandwich and drink combo. You have strong hands and a strong stomach.

MsAmber said...

I eat liver as often as I can. It's not kosher, but I crave it. I know it keeps me from being anemic. I'm a woman and a blood donor. Never had a problem with anemia.
And no, I don't have a strong stomach. I have an ulcer that just tears me up sometimes.
But for some reason, liver sandwiches don't bother me.

Flubberwinkle said...

Good Luck with your new hobby Ms Amber! (Hope soon you'll be uploading a recorded .wav of your own tune)!

Bob Hoeppner said...

I used to teach guitar. I find it easiest to make the G chord with my 2-4 fingers, and the C with the 1-3 fingers. That way, it's just a short move of the 2-3 fingers between the two, alternately putting down either the 1st finger(for C) or 4th (for G). Know what I mean?