Thursday, January 26, 2006

Accountability, or "Oh, you poor little rich girl."

Women. Silly women. Unaccountable women.
I have very little tolerance for them.
I'm looking for a female friend who shares some of the same ideals.
I don't believe in equality of the sexes. I believe in the equality of individuals.

Honestly - don't you get sick of the whole "Toilet Seat up or down" battle?
If there are more women in the house than men, sure. It's only polite. If there are more men in the house than women, then the seat should stay up. The majority should be convenienced.
But no. Most women think that by virtue of their delicate behinds, that the toilet seat should always be placed "just so" so that they never have to look where they sit. I would think that we should ALL look where we are going to sit. A wet behind is your own darn fault.
I have witnessed, in my 35 years, at least 20 serious fights over the subject. A group of people could be having a little party, everyone is enjoying themselves, and BAM! Some uppity chick comes out of the bathroom and wants to start a row over the fact that she found the toilet seat up and nearly dunked her backside in the toilet bowl.
I'm a woman, and sometimes I want to go put the seat up just to see somebody get their nose bent out of shape over it. It's ridiculous. It tells me that the girl doesn't have anything more important on her mind than her own tushie.
I have another friend who married for money. She doesn't have to work, so she has no personal validation. She has low self-esteem, and she drives a Porsche. Obviously, her tushie is worth more than most womens'. I tell her to count her blessings, and idle hands are the devil's tools: get a job. Her husband has been hurting her feelings and she's ready to move out. She's bawling that he has no right to tear her down. I warned her to marry for friendship, not money. She made her decision based on an imagined life of leisure, and her self-esteem problem would go away if she did something to validate her existence. Freakin' deal with it. Use your newfound powers for good - Sell the damn Porsche, go to school, and feed some poor kids. She won't. She just wants me to pat her on the back and tell her she's worthy. She is another "equality of the sexes" garbage spewer.
Dear Abby recently had a woman write that she was moving her husband's revered antique automobile and had a fender-bender. The husband got angry and told her to get out because she always ruins everything. Abby responded that the man was wrong, he should have been grateful that the wife wasn't hurt, that the car could be fixed, and he should value his wife more.
HA! I disagree. The statement: "she always ruins everything." says volumes to me. Why was this incompetent little twit even touching his antique automobile? Based on his reaction, I'm sure he didn't ask her to. I envision this scenario:
Stupid little wife has a habit of breaking and ruining anything that she, herself, didn't earn, buy, make, or provide. She also isn't responsible enough to even rectify her mistakes. "Oops, I'm sorry, giggle giggle." So, after years of little mishaps like: spilling bleach on his favorite jacket, letting the cat scratch up his speaker covers (The pioneer ones he bought in college), letting the kids play with his guitar, leaving his car windows down in the rain, and other dunderheaded acts of destruction, THEN she decides she wants to clean out the garage while he's at work. So she goes and gets the keys and not only bumps the edge of the garage, but skids all the way down the car with a great big grating noise while the paint rips all the way from the bumper to the handle on the passenger door. "Oops, giggle giggle" she says.
Husband comes home. Gets mad. She doesn't feel that he should get mad at her for any reason, since she's his wife, and she yells back at him that the car is more important than her, and she fires off a letter to Dear Abby so the whole world will say: "Oh, you poor girl."
I, first off, would have been more careful in moving my husband's favorite antique car. Secondly, IF I had a fender bender, I would have the estimates on the new fender and the paint job, and I would even throw in a bonus improvement, like "Hey, I also found the new tail-light covers you wanted." And the job would be done and paid for without an ounce of inconvenience to my husband, I would sell a kidney to make it happen, and never complain about the pain.
In no way would my husband EVER be able to say that I "ruined everything", or didn't make it right. That's why I say Dear Abby was wrong.
That's Accountability.
Until Women are as accountable for their actions as they expect their Men to be, they cannot spew their equality bullchip at me. Meanwhile, it's just a silly excuse to get huffy over something that they cannot control.
Girl, stick your arm down that sewer and retrieve your tampon that plugged up the pipe. Get out there and adjust your valves, you can hear them clacking just as well as I can. Ride your own motorcycle. Change your own flat tire/radiator hose/air filter/brake pads. Fix your own wiring. Program your own remote. Take responsibility for your own mistakes and decisions.
Then you can be MY equal.



Anonymous said...

zardoz says:


Flubberwinkle said...


Bob Hoeppner said...

Awesome post. You rock!

MsAmber said...

Husband came home last night from work, grinning from ear to ear. He informed me that my blog entry was great, that it's the reason he loves me, and he can't wait to see how many female enemies I made by writing it. (He especially liked how I slammed Dear Abby.)
Gee, thanks honey.

crallspace said...

Now had a man wrote this, he'd be the bad guy.

That's the real double standard.

MsAmber said...

I'm noticing that none of my readers will touch this subject with a ten-foot-pole.
Except Flubberwinkle. She's my hero.

Nicole said...

I'm here. But if equality demands that I have to fix my own wiring? I'm doomed!

Seriously though, what you're talking about is simple common sense, no matter what the gender -- show respect for those around you and start thinking of others instead of just yourself. Something we SHOULD have all learned as kids but, obviously, some of us slept our way through that particular class... ;)

Anonymous said...

Larry David did a whole show (and a hilarious one at that) about how he wanted his wife to leave the seat down.